- COORDINATES: 39.943551, -75.246227 are coordinates of where this marker was located. It has been reinstalled almost exactly where it was, along Baltimore Pike (Route 13) near 61st Avenue and Cobbs Creek.
- COUNTY: Philadelphia
- DISTANCE TO NEXT: Appears to have been removed, which may indicate the marker was relocated from some earlier site. On close examination, it may have said "Millbourne".
- EXPLANATION OF NAME: Named by Wm. Penn from Greek Word "Brotherly Love"
- FOUNDED: This info broken off. Ends in "2" . Date recreated during repair by KMT as 1682, generally considered the city's founding year.
- MANUFACTURER: Maker name is not noted on marker.
- SHAPE: Standard 1-sided
- STATUS: Marker was damaged; lower center-left section was broken off, and both Marker and Post were badly rusted. This is the ONLY known extant Keystone Marker in Philadelphia. Marker and post were removed by PennDOT in April 2018 for repairs and safekeeping by KMT. Marker and post repaired/repainted and returned to PennDot in May 2019. Finally reinstalled by PennDot Oct. 2023.

Photo by P. Steinke

Date/taker unknown

March 2011 photo by JGI

December, 2017 photo by G. Prichard

December, 2017 photo by G. Prichard

June 2018 photo by Mike Wintermantel

December 2018 photo by Mike Wintermantel

January 2019 photo by Mike Wintermantel

February 2019 photo by Mike Wintermantel

Nov. 2023 photo by PennDot – D. Graham
61st Street and Baltimore Avenue (at Cobbs Creek)