- COORDINATES: 41.9515615, -76.7948535
- COUNTY: Bradford
- DISTANCE TO NEXT: Fassett - 4
- EXPLANATION OF NAME: Named For Deacon Asa Gillett - Pioneer Settler
- FOUNDED: 1783
- MANUFACTURER: Geiser Mfg. Co. Waynesboro PA
- STATUS: As of 2010 what appears to be a bullet hole is in the center. As of April 2023, marker was removed and restored by township, and will be reinstalled soon.

August 2010 photo by D. Graham shows bullet hole.

September 2013 Google Streetview image shows marker still there.

May 2020 photo by Mike Wintermantel shows only the post exists

April 2023 photo by South Creek Township
PA Route 14 at south end of town