- COORDINATES: 40.978255 ,-75.187683 are approximate location of where this marker may have once have stood
- COUNTY: Monroe
- DISTANCE TO NEXT: Scranton - 45 This is an unusually large distance to the "next" town. There may eventually have been other markers in between.
- EXPLANATION OF NAME: Named For Stroud Family Early Landowners
- FOUNDED: Date unreadable if not missing from marker. This is a very unique situation for a marker to not include this information.
- MANUFACTURER: No legible maker name on this marker
- STATUS: No longer on the roadside. On display at the borough office. Borough wants to display it outside the municipal building. Marker was restored 2021 by borough. Final installation location yet to be determined.
December 2017 photo by J. Fox
January 2018 photo by R. Kimes
November 2021 photo by R. Kimes
November 2021 photo by R. Kimes
Once located at south edge of the Borough.