- COORDINATES: 40.695123, -78.147469 are approximately where this marker was likely located
- COUNTY: Huntingdon
- DISTANCE TO NEXT: State College - 22 (Unusually long distance to "next" town with a marker)
- EXPLANATION OF NAME: Named For Trees Marked By Indian Warriors In Early Days
- FOUNDED: 1768
- MANUFACTURER: Geiser Mfg. Co. Waynesboro PA
- STATUS: Only one of the four originally here known to survive. This one was in possession of a resident for many years and only recently (April 2018) given to town officials. Marker has been repainted and is displayed at Historical Society building.

April 2018 photo by L. Smith

1968 Newspaper Clipping showing this Marker

PennDotVideoLog footage

Oct. 2024 photo by Hist. Soc.
No longer on the roadside. In possession of Historical Society. Likely originally located along PA Route 550 at west end of town.
As of 2018, town has erected replicas at each end of the borough.